Monday, 28 March 2016

Southville and Bedminster East RPS - first survey results

I have started to analyse the 415 response to the online survey on RPS. 270ish are in the Southville zone, 50 in Bedminster East (analysis to follow)

(Authors note: I present the results here. It doesn't necessarily mean I agree with all of them)

First off, I present the results of the first question ie what specific issues concern people.


The biggest issue raised - by a long margin - are requesting an extension to the hours of operation and to extend the scheme to operate on match days/weekends.

Other significant issues include more visitor permits, helping carers, better enforcement, 'what about my builders'.

Specific issues:

Perhaps the most helpful part of the response are the list if specific issues raised (listed in point 3)

1. Hours of operation

2. Other significant issues raised

3. Specific issues

4. Issues concerning Price


5. Groups needing support

6. Other issues

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