Dear Sir
I was puzzled to see the letter from Hadleigh Roberts – who
as vice chair of Bristol Labour Party – wrote to support TTIP (Post, letters,
19th November). He also pointed out the local Labour MEP’s support
for it.
I say this because it seems to the complete opposite of the
position of Labour councillor Sue Milestone who submitted a motion to Bristol
City Council calling on the council to ‘publicise the council’s concerns about TTIP’ and ‘join with
other local authorities which are opposed to TTIP’.
Greens have
consistently opposed this damaging, secretive and undemocratic trade treaty.
The TTIp treaty threatens to hand power to multinationals, wipe out our social
and environmental standards in the name of ‘harmonisation,’ undermine local
power to run our own services. So I was extremely pleased with Ms Milestones
motion – which was very similar to a similar one from our own Councillor Anna
Sadly, it
seems the Labour Party may not be quite as ‘Corbyn’ as we’d hoped. Hey ho.
Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) is a proposed exchange understanding between the European Union and the United States, with the point of advancing exchange and multilateral monetary growth. The American government considers the TTIP a sidekick consent to the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP).Refer best essay writing service to get expert advice from the professional writers.