Faithspace, Stackpool Road, Southville
As Labour and Green Party councillors for Southville, we jointly submit the following statement.
Faithspace is
the former Methodist Church on Stackpool Road. It lies between the
Southville Centre and Southville Primary School.
It has been a
community venue for as long as people can remember. Users, however, have
recently been stopped from using it, and the venue has recently been
boarded up.
There has been a
significant increase in the population of the Southville ward over
recent years. This has resulted in an increase in the pressure on local
resources and infrastructure. For example, there
is a serious shortage in nursery provision in the area.
There is significant local concern over the closure of Faithspace. It has been registered as a
'Asset of Community Value'. There is a local petition in support of its retention as a community venue.
We have no
knowledge of plans for its future. However, there has to be a
possibility that it will lost as a community venue. We believe we
simply cannot afford to lose community venues in our local area.
We urge the council and the mayor to take whatever actions it can to
help ensure it remains as a venue for the benefit of the community of
Southville as a whole. In particular, we ask that the council do all it
can to protect its current planning use
Sean Beynon (Labour Party Councillor, Southville)
Charlie Bolton (Green Party Councillor, Southville)
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