Tuesday, 21 October 2014

What the Windmill Hill LibDems forogot to mention about St Catherines Place..............

I noticed this little piece from the latest Windmill Hill LibDem Focus.

I hasten to say that I supported the St Catherines Place development. I know others didn't but I decided for a variety of reasons to support, and did so publicly. (All explained on another post on this blog)

Anyway, what the LibDems have failed to mention is the following:

Firstly, the SCP development ran across two meetings. At the first meeting neither LibDem councillor Christian Martin nor LibDem Councillor Alex Woodman turned up.

It is only by the merest chance that there was no decision at that meeting, and therefore only by the merest chance that these LibDems had a say.

And at the second meeting, I understand that the proposal was approved by 7 votes to 2.  Who proposed the motion to accept the proposal (the one about which LibDems in Windmill Hill are complaining)?

The same LibDem councillor Alex Woodman.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. As you well know Charlie, when councillors sit on planning committees, they do so in a quasi-judicial capacity, and party politics plays no part in the decision. We make an independent judgement based on the facts in front of us, and what you neglect to mention is that Anthony Negus, the other Lib Dem councillor on the committee, was one of the two people who voted *against* the application. You're being a bit disingenuous therefore to try and suggest that my vote in favour somehow suggests that the Lib Dems were in favour, when it quite clearly means no such thing.

    As for your implied criticism of me for not being at the previous meeting, the time of the meeting had been re-arranged quite late in the day, and I had another pre-arranged engagement which I couldn't get out of. I notified officers of my apologies in advance, and tried to find somebody to sub for me (though unfortunately nobody was able to). Perhaps therefore you would reconsider your phrasing, which at the moment suggests I simply failed to show up at the meeting without explanation.

  3. I tell you what Alex, I will reconsider my phrasing - if you get your mates in Windmill Hill to reconsider the phrasing in their newsletter.

    The thing which irritated me was the fact that your newsletter tries to make the planning committee a party political thing.
