So here are the results of the RPS survey we have carried out. Please note, it is split into three.
1. On line survey
185 people responded to the on line survey (mainly via Facebook). This included residents of Ashton, but also residents of Bedminster, and the Bedminster (ward) part of Ashton. A few residents of the Southville zone also responded.
2. Paper survey
We have carried out a paper survey on the area bound by North St, Ashton, Smythe Road and Duckmoor Road - this is the area under the heading 'Ashton'. (Yes, I know it isn't all of Ashton, but it is the part of Ashton in the Southville ward closest to North St, and will correspond). This group also includes any on-line results for the same streets.
3. Total of all responses
Q1 What has the impact of RPS in Southville been?
Q2 Assuming RPS is here to stay, do you want it extended?
Health warnings
1. Clearly people could have completed both on-line and paper versions of the survey
2. I am a Green Party councillor, so there may be a systematic statistical bias in the nature of those choosing to respond. Having said that, the door to door results are pretty similar to the on line ones.
3. There is an assumption built in to Q2 that RPS is here to stay. A number of respondents would like it out altogether, including some who said 'Yes' to extending it.
It is obvious that there is now big parking problem in Ashton (and Bedminster). The commuters who used to park in Southville have just shifted over the other side of North St. There are suspicions of 'Southville second cars' being left in Ashton. Shoppers now use Ashton. There are problems with dangerous parking on street corners, blocking dropped kerbs. There are problems with dropped kerbs to peoples drives being blocked. Parents are concerned about safety.
More controversially, a number of residents have raised concerns about match day parking. I say this because I am aware of some residents who regard this as part of living near a football ground. Others regard it as totally unacceptable.
A majority of those completing the survey wish - with varying levels of reluctance (and subject to the above health warnings) - to see it extended to the Ashton side of North St.
If you look at the street by street breakdown, this is weighted towards the terraced streets adjacent to North St. It maybe that any such change should only include these streets.
As a result of this, Councillor Clarke and I will raise this issue with the mayor, the service director for Transport, within the neighbourhood partnership and possibly mayoral candidates. We will ask that the council implement a process which will result in an investigation into the extension of residents parking into Ashton.
This might be an extension of the existing zone, or a new zone. We further believe such a consultation should be done and the zone implemented with residents consent.
We are not councillors for the Bedminster ward, but we strongly suspect the same issues extend to Bedminster, and any such review be carried out there as well.
Street by street breakdown